Bloody Friday

Temporary School of Thought

A quick update

Sorry I haven’t been posting lately, but I have been having a life.

Came home from Christmas in the mountains to the news that Sean had about a week to live, he passed away peacefully on the second of January.

As I was pretty upset at the time and work was a little thin Puppy decided that a house project was in order lest I sit at home and get depressed, so we started decorating both the livingroom and kitchen, both projects are still ongoing.

Somewhere in the midst I got a wonderful surprise gift from a blogger, you’ll see it soon.

The orchard continues to develop. This weekend we picked up a peach tree, and recently we did a grafting workshop so we also have grafted a plum on to the peach and a Black Mission fig on to our fig not to mention a Reed avocado on to our generic avocado.

I’ve also been journaling like a demon. I’m using The Sacred Journey journal and it has been working real well for me. I have also been keeping a 12 Secrets written journal, but hopefully this week I will be able to post something. Sorry I haven’t been here lately, I just didn’t feel like writing in public much.

Today is Chinese New Year and I decided this would be my new years celebration given everything else that has been going on.

Today is also my first day with a new class. One of the teachers I know just went on maternity leave so I have her little darlings for a few months, but more about that later!

Gung Hei Fat Choy
