So much has been going on!

Well, I was surprised by all the folks who signed up for my giveaway!

Hopefully you’ll stick around and be my guests for a while.

Today was a day where much should have happened but very little did, so tomorrow will be ultra busy.

We have grafting to do as well as planting, but to plant we must do a compost run.

I did pick up jam jars for Sunday, however I have rethought my recipe, therefor must pick up supplies for that by Sunday morning.

Sunday will be the local make and take as well as jam day, did I mention cleaning house, and oh yes I want to bake some bread tomorrow too.

All that and it was a full moon, in Leo no less!

Here is a post by Jacqueline on that very subject…

Stay tuned for Unstoppable vs Immovable – Round 2 , I’ll send it out Fri. or Sat.
If you’re on FaceBook, become a fan of the ‘flash!

pssssssssssssssst………astrospirit!………pass it on……………..

AstroFlash! Leo Full Moon   January 29, 2010  10:18 pm PST
Saturn Square Pluto – Unstoppable vs Immovable, Round 2  January 31
Imbolc   February 2

Sun’s brilliance shines through Full Moon’s light,
bright mirror of generosity and pride,
radiant self love and liberation for all.
The dark side is pushy, demanding Me Me Me!
Polarity of heated exuberance and cool detachment,
Head and heart au contraire.

Relationship dynamics are pushed and polarized.
Love and hate are aroused, stormy, raw, volatile.
Harmony and aggression in direct opposition.
Sparks ignite flames of frustration
from wheels that have been spinning
without traction for too long.
Open arms scorched by the fire,
singing Give Peace a Chance.

Full Moon and midwinter coincide.
Creative boost, sacred flame.
Passion of purification,
rites of renewal.
The days grow longer,
our seeds are quickening.
Extinguish the old fire,
light the new!

Every Full Moon has it’s tension and this one is magnified severalfold. It is so very, very complex…

Mars retrograde is conjunct the Moon and both are opposite Venus conjunct Sun.
Charged axis of Yin and Yang.
Creativity inflamed, but challenged.
Passion and desire runs high,
both repelling and magnetizing attraction.
We are learning about being dialed in with what makes us tick while recognizing the importance of the larger whole of relationships, community and humanity. Consider that this lunation is the culmination of the recent Solar Eclipse. We are in a very significant wave of change. Relationships, finances, home, career and life goals – you name it – we’re shaking down the essentials. Which brings me to the other significant player in this drama:

the second passage of Saturn square Pluto November 15, 2009 – January 31, 2010 – August 21, 2010
Tests and limitations
Choices that have to be made.
Duty and responsibility for the long term.
Collective turning point
reality overhaul
cathartic initiation.
Deep structural renovation.
Conflict and confrontation pushes to extremes,
destabilizing equilibrium.

Refining and defining authority and power,
careful negotiations strengthen diplomacy.
Perseverance, resourcefulness and cooperation empowered.
Our allies are discipline, kindness and accepting responsibility.

Reread AstroFlash! Unstoppable vs Immovable – who wins?
and a new issue Unstoppable vs Immovable – Round 2
will follow very soon.

~ Leo Mega Full Moon Contemplations and Actions ~
How may I reignite my creative fire for change and release the fears that weigh me down?
Where do I need to focus my energy to make the change?


  1. Lauren said,

    January 30, 2010 at 10:33 am

    I’ve been making bread recently – using a variation of the No-Knead Bread recipe. It is so easy!

  2. knittnkitten said,

    January 30, 2010 at 12:01 pm

    Hi Lauren, I’m planning on making a Neals Yard recipe, Sunflower Seed Bread.
    Everything’s ready to go, I just need to eat lunch and get on with it.

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